RFQ for Microsoft Based Loan Management Solution
Vermont Bond Bank has posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the development of a Microsoft-based solution for loan portfolio management.
Questions regarding this request for qualifications (“RFQ”) will be accepted via email to the distribution below until 10:00 pm ET on Friday, September 8th, 2023. Responses to questions will be provided on a rolling basis. The Bond Bank may elect to hold a call to facilitate a Q&A prior to the submittal deadline.
Responses to this RFQ are due via email to the distribution below by 10:00 pm ET on Friday, September 15th, 2023. Please limit response to 10 pages. Respondents are expected to be available for interviews between 9:00 am ET and 2:00 pm ET on Wednesday, September 20th.
The Bond Bank reserves the right to delay, postpone, or not select a development firm. Selection is expected to occur on or before October 1, 2023. The Bond Bank expects to conduct interviews prior to the selection of a qualified firm.
Final implementation is targeted for December 31, 2023.