Vermont Bond Bank Mid Year Market Update

Follow link below for recent market update

Market Update


What Rates will be Available?

The preliminary pricing for the bond issue will be released by the underwriter to the securities firms shown to the right the day prior to pricing to ensure a timely indication of current market conditions. Orders must be received on the morning of the pricing day to be considered.

The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) has a price discovery tool available to the public to inform current market pricing on municipal securities. The tool relies upon identifying a similar CUSIP for a desired bond. Historic CUSIPs for the Bond Bank can be found on our MSRB EMMA page.

MSRB Price Discovery Tool



Preliminary Official Statement

An official statement is a document prepared by or on behalf of the issuer of municipal securities in connection with a primary offering that discloses material information on the offering of such securities. Official statements typically include information regarding the purposes of the issue, how the securities will be repaid, and the financial and economic characteristics of the issuer, conduit borrower or other obligated person with respect to the offered securities. Investors and market intermediaries may use this information to evaluate the credit quality of the securities and potential risks of the primary offering. (Source: MSRB Glossary)

Link to POS


Underwriters & Selling Group Participants

The following firms will assist the Bond Bank in the upcoming sale. Bond orders must be placed through a securities professional. The firms listed below will have direct access to bonds during the sale. Priority for orders will be given to Vermont individuals.



Morgan Stanley

Raymond James


Selling Group

TD Securities (includes Charles Schwab distribution)

Bond Ratings

General Resolution

Outlook - Stable
Date - July 2024
Document - Moody's Rating Report

General Resolution
Standard & Poor's

Outlook - Stable
Date - July 2024
Document - S&P Rating Report